Lakeside Baptist Church is proud to host our fourth annual 911 Honor Service for all local emergency services personnel.
Ten years ago, on September 11, 2001, our country was violently attacked and many innocent lives were lost. Amidst the chaos and terror men and women that we so often take for granted sprung into action. They sacrificed their time, energy, and for some, their lives to save and protect others.
Sunday, September 11, Lakeside would like to recognize the people and organizations that make our communities safe. From the police force and sheriff's office, to highway patrol, rescue squad, DMV, fire departments, emergency medical personnel, security, and all others who work in emergency services, we hope to make the 911 Honor Service a memorable day! We are inviting organizations in and around the CSRA, and all agencies are welcome to display their equipment. In addition to recognition prior to and during the morning service, there will be a noon meal for all personnel and families.
WHEN:Sunday, September 11 | 10:45AM
Please feel free to contact the church office if you have any questions.

Lakeside Baptist Church
Pastor Tad Marshall
4319 Jefferson Davis Hwy. (US #1)
P.O. Box 1730 - Clearwater, SC 29822
803.593.9246 - fax 803.593.3060