And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also . . . Mark 1:38
It is estimated that Jesus spent most of His ministry in an area about 50 miles east to west and 150 miles north to south. Today in the United States there are about 35,000 cities, towns, villages, and boroughs in 3,000 counties. Globally, according to the State Department, there are 194 countries in the world with 7 billion people living in hundreds of thousands of communities.
We are asking God to expand our vision at Lakeside for all of these people during our “Next Towns” Conference. As we see exciting pictures and hear moving testimonies, may the Lord stir our hearts to go not only to all the towns in the CSRA, but to co-labor with our missionaries to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the next towns around the world!
Dr. Charles Keen |
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Dr. Keen served as pastor of First Baptist Church of Milford, Ohio for thirty-five years. Under his leadership the church sent over fifty families to the mission field. In the early 1970s, he helped found the Bearing Precious Seed ministry in Milford with a goal of bringing the printing of God’s Word back into the church. Millions of copies of God’s Word have been printed and distributed through the efforts of BPS. After leaving the pastorate, Dr. Keen founded First Bible International, a ministry whose focus is getting the Word of God to unreached people groups. Dr. Keen also has a desire to help get the Gospel to the illiterate people groups of the world which cannot read a Bible because they do not have a written language. |
Todd & Amy Bell |
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Pastor Bell and his wife Amy have served in Maine since 1996. They have four children: Elisabeth, Ben, Cherith, and Abby. He has planted two churches during that time. He pastors Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford, Maine which was founded over five years ago. God has blessed the church and many have been saved. Last year the church started a Christian school. He is also a pilot and uses the aviation ministry to reach out to new towns with the ultimate goal of planting new churches. Bro. Bell says, “I am a missionary church planter that has a vision of seeing the gospel brought to every village and town in the northeast and Canada all the way to Greenland. Pray for me as I endeavor through the power of the Holy Spirit to see this goal accomplished before our Lord’s Return!” |
Dale & Vickie Money |
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In August of 2000, Dale and Vickie left their careers to become missionaries with Bearing Precious Seed. They have three children: Brent, Aaron, and Rebekah. For the past ten years they have been a part of sending millions of Bibles and Scripture portions to people all over the world. Dale is now the Director of Ministry Relations at BPS. Dale has helped Lakeside Baptist Church put together over 186,000 John/Romans in the past two years. The goal of BPS is to put the precious Word of God into the hands of missionaries and national pastors, who in turn can put them into the hands of people in many lands. In 2010, BPS reached the milestone of printing their 100,000,000th copy of God’s Word. Together we can reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. |
Joshua & Rachel Roberts |
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Joshua and Rachel were both raised in pastor’s homes and saved at an early age. They have two small children: Will and Anne. While still in elementary school Joshua realized that God was calling him to be a missionary to Wales. God used Joshua’s Welsh heritage and the great spiritual need there to burden his heart for Wales. Rachel had an influential teacher who God used to burden her heart for the mission field. While at summer camp she told the Lord she would do whatever He wanted with her life, but she says, “In my heart, I hoped He would use me as a missionary.” They both are graduates of Bible college and have valuable experience working with their dads in church planting and many areas of service. |
David & Shawn Smith |
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Dave grew up on the mission field of Papua New Guinea. Shawn’s dad was a pastor for over forty years. They both trusted Christ as their Savior at a young age and met each other in the Singles Sunday School class at Morningside Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. They were married in 1994 and have been missionaries to Papua New Guinea for the past ten years, serving in the remote Simbai tribe with their three girls: Abby, Sydney, and Hayley. The Simbai churches have started their own mission board and are sending their own missionaries to reach others with the Gospel. In 2010, God called the Smiths to serve in the leadership of Open Door Baptist Missions. They are now assisting missionaries, while developing partnerships with national pastors to help plant national churches. |

WHEN:Sunday, March 27 | 10:45AM & 6:00PM
Monday, March 28 - Wednesday, March 30 | 7:00PM
Lakeside Baptist Church - Pastor Tad Marshall
4319 Jefferson Davis Hwy. - P.O. Box 1730 - Clearwater, SC 29822
803.593.9246 - fax 803.593.3060 - www.besidethelake.com