Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15

Missions at Lakeside

The task of taking the Good News of Jesus to the distant regions of earth is the duty of every church and believer. Lakeside is fulfilling this duty by supporting around one hundred and twenty missionaries and Gospel works worldwide. With over one hundred works scattered in all directions, truly the sun never sets on the work of Lakeside. Our support and communication go directly to our missionaries. We often have them home in our services to present new ministries and to report on the blessings they are receiving on the field. We frequently have guest missionaries present their works at Lakeside.  Each year we also have a mission conference or a mission emphasis month with missionaries presenting their various fields of work and challenging us to continue taking the gospel to the world.

Lakeside Missionaries

We have several missionary families from our church who are serving the Lord and spreading the Gospel around the world.  Josh and Amy Durden, with their children Abigail, Joel, Jason, and Anna, serve in Toyohashi, Japan. Luiz and Ana Nunes, with their children Joseph, Arthur, Ana Laura, and Jonathan, serve in Cape Verde, Africa. Jared Gfeller has joined the Nunes family to serve in Cape Verde.

Mission Trips

Groups from Lakeside have gone on trips all over the world to be a blessing to our missionaries. Some of the places we have served over the years include South Africa; San Salvador, Bahamas; Brazil; Cape Verde, Africa; Trinidad; and the Dominican Republic, as well as many trips state-side. These trips are always wonderful experiences as they give our people the opportunity to help spread the gospel abroad. We look forward to future opportunities to serve the Lord on many more mission trips!

Scripture Assembly

Lakeside has partnered with Bearing Precious Seed and Seedline South ministries to assemble scripture portions to send around the world. We have worked hard to assemble thousands of John and Romans scriptures that have been shipped to Fiji, Myanmar, South Africa, Mongolia, Cape Verde, and other places.

Local Outreach

It can be said that every Christian is called to be a missionary. While some are called to distant regions, others are called to minister at home. Members of Lakeside take time regularly to reach those in our local communities through door-to-door outreach. We distribute gospel literature as well as information regarding upcoming events. God has blessed our outreach ministry, and we have witnessed God working in the hearts of many!

Missions Gallery


Upcoming Events

19 Apr, 2025

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