Preacher Bill Reese recieved a definite call into the ministry, and he accepted his first pastorate at Hollow Creek Baptist Church in 1952 when he was just twenty years old. Sensing that God wanted a change of direction, he founded this church two years later in 1954. For the first year, the church met in a tent in the Piney Heights area, and God brought in faithful people as the church grew.

Preacher Bill loved to grow a garden, and he learned what made a garden grow well. He and his wife, Fannie, devoted themselves to the work that made the church grow well also. Good values, work, the Bible, and evangelism were the primary ingredients.
Preacher Bill was pastor until May of 2008 when Tad Marshall became the second pastor in Lakeside's then fifty-four year history. He was loved by many as an elder statesman in the Lord's work. Preacher Bill went home to be with the Lord in March of 2011, and his dear wife Fannie, in April of 2011. We appreciate the many years of his labor in the pulpit and the work of Mrs. Fannie with the young people.