But Jesus said, Suffer little children,
and forbid them not, to come unto me:
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14 KJV
“Our children are the future of Lakeside.” That statement is repeated often. It is therefore vital
that we lead our children in the paths of Christ. This means that church is to be a wonderful experience for them, that the Bible is made to come alive, and that living the Christian life is real to them. Our programs provide year-round ministry.
Sunday school is a vital part of the children's ministry here at Lakeside. Classes are graded by age and provide lessons and activities every child can participate in and enjoy.
We love our future generation at Lakeside! The nursery is available for children under two years of age for Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday services. Children’s Church is held for two through five year olds each Sunday, and Junior Church for ages six through fifth grade.
Every school year Lakeside has AWANA on Wednesday nights at 6:45pm. This special program is for ages two through the fifth grade, and provides age appropriate lessons and Bible memory. AWANA is a place to make friends and learn more about the Lord!
Junior camp is a wonderful opportunity to have a God-centered week of fun and fellowship for our children. Children enjoy many activities and games, as well as special times for Bible stories and messages from guest speakers. This summer our children and teens went to Harvest Time Bible Camp in Polkville, North Carolina.
Lakeside has an annual Vacation Bible School each summer. Children have the opportunity to win prizes through scripture memory and game time. This is a speical time for children kindergarten through sixth grade.