And he said unto them,
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15 KJV
Lakeside has the honor of supporting nearly one hundred missionaries around the world. Lakeside hosted its first mission conference from March 29 to April 1, 2009. We enjoyed stirring and Biblical messages from guest speaker Ed Gibson, as well as expanded our heart for worldwide missions. Lakeside also put together over 20,000 scripture portions in conjunction with Bearing Precious Seed, and had the opportunity to host several visiting missionary families. Since then we have enjoyed missions conferences in 2010, 2011, 2012, and a missions emphasis month in March of 2013. We look forward to many more in the future.
The task of taking the Good News of Jesus to the distant regions of earth is the duty of every church and believer. Our worldwide support of missionaries and Gospel works is how Lakeside is fulfilling its duty. With over one hundred works scattered in all directions, truly the “sun never sets” on the work of Lakeside. Our support and communication is directly with the missionaries. We often have them home and present in our services to present new ministries and to report on the blessings.
Groups from Lakeside have gone on trips to South Africa, New York City, San Salvador Bahamas, and Brazil. These trips were wonderful experiences for the people at Lakeside as they gave them the opportunity to spread the gospel abroad. We look forward to future opportunities to serve the Lord on many more mission trips.
It can be said that every Christian is called to be a missionary. While some are called to distant regions all over the globe, others are called to minister at home. Members of Lakeside take time regularly to reach those in our local communities through door-to-door outreach. We distribute gospel literature as well as information regarding upcoming events. We've also had the opportunity to pass out scripture portions during the local Sassafras Festival, and specially designed public safety New Testaments at our annual 911 Honor Service. God has blessed, and we have witnessed God working in the hearts of many as the flock of Lakeside grows!
Lakeside works in conjunction with Bearing Precious seed ministries to assemble scripture portions to send around the world. We have worked hard to assemble thousands of scripture portions that have gone to such places as Fiji, Myanmar, as well as 100,000 John & Romans that were distributed in South Africa during the 2010 World Cup.

For more information about missions at Lakeside, please contact the church office.

2013 Missions Emphasis
More prayer for missions
More giving for missions
More sending of missionaries
More going ourselves
And the man of God answered, The LORD is able to give thee much more than this.
II Chronicles 25:9
Our emphasis on missions is one reason God has blessed Lakeside Baptist Church over the years. God has enabled us to do much for missions at home and around the world in the past. With God’s help, we want to do much more than ever before for missions in the coming year and in the years to come. Our goal for 2013 is to take on, by the grace of God, thirteen new missionaries.