Thank you for visiting our media page!
In this day and age there are countless technological means that provide easier and more creative ways of communication and sharing. At Lakeside, we utilize different forms of media to reach people. Whether through graphic design, blogs, image galleries, and traditional Godly music, the desire at Lakeside is to honor the Lord and to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So we invite you to take a few moments to explore the services, blogs, music, and galleries below.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
PSALM 19:1
Want to see services live? Simply follow the live service link during regular church service times listed at the bottom of the page. Recent live streaming updates may require the use of Internet Explorer 10 or 11 or Mozilla Firefox to work properly on a PC.
Pastor's Blog
Men for Missions
2009 South Africa Mission Trip Blog
2009 New York City Mission Trip Blog
Israel 2010 Blog
Israel 2011 Blog
2011 World Missions Conference
Shoes for South Africa Project
Aiken Prayer Rally
2011 Ladies Conference
2012 San Salvador Mission Trip
2012 San Salvador Mission Video
2012 Brazil Mission Trip
When He Spoke to Me Choir 3:03
I Rest My Case at the Cross Choir 3:17
I Believe He's Coming Back Like He Said Choir 5:04
Your Will Will Keep Me Jeanette Johnson 2:51
Bow the Knee Choir 4:22
We Speak Your Name Trio 3:03
Thanks for What You Took from Me Lori Baxley 3:20
A Pile of Crowns Quartet 4:10
Out of My Darkness Quartet & Choir 2:46
It Shall be Mine Chorale 2:52
Please be aware that some media may require QuickTime Player, and may take several minutes to load.