O taste and see that the LORD is good:
blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8 KJV
A note from the cook …
Thank you for visiting our Wednesday Family Meals page. Please Remember to fill out your dinner cards and turn them in. We are trying to make it more convenient for you to be a part of our time together around the dinner table. There will be dinner cards in the Sunday school rooms where you may put them in the attendance envelope. There are more details about signing up, cost, and time below.
Let’s have a wonderful time together around the table,
Helen Atkinson

Wednesday Family Meals are our way of making it easier on busy families to be in their place for the mid-week service during the school year (August - May). Meals will be served at 5:30 to 6:15pm to ensure enough time to clean prior to AWANA. Meals take place in the Family Life Center.
The cost for meals is $5.00 per adult, $4.00 per senior, and $3.00 per child under the age of ten.
We ask that families sign up for meals so that we can plan for how much to prepare. Sign up tickets are located in the hymnal racks, the church lobby, and in adult Sunday School departments. Simply drop the sign up card in the offering plate on Sunday. You may also call the church office by noon on Monday's to sign up for meals.
Bon appetit!